
September 9, 2012

The Beaten Path

I took a walk down by the James River the other day and the conditions couldn't have been more pleasant! The humidity seems to be getting lighter and I'm looking forward to the beginnings of fall.  I'll be reunited with sweaters, scarves, and capes soon!

Top: H&M, Pants: LOFT, Bag: Fossil, Sunglasses: Fossil

My dad once said that the entire state of Virginia needed to be trimmed down with a weedwacker.  I think these photos illustrate the need quite nicely, though there is something to be said for the overgrown appeal of lush greenery in places like Virginia.  When I'm home in San Diego I get so accustomed to the manicured yards and flower gardens that it's easy to forget how lovely the natural order of things can be.  My friends may tease me (all the time) for my lack of knowledge about the plant life in Virginia, but I've learned to appreciate it from afar: by staying on the gravel paths and not touching anything.  Poison ivy could be anywhere...right? (Yes.)

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