
October 18, 2012

River Walk

Top: LOFT, Pants: H&M, Bag: Banana Republic

I went for a walk down by the river to clear my head after writing papers and reading for classes.  The sunset was perfect, the weather was incredible, and there were so many people out to appreciate it!  Students and families were picnicking on the banks, taking photos, and playing frisbee in the last moments before the sunset.  I was stirred from my pleasant distractions when clouds of gnats started chasing after me and the scene rapidly became less glamorous.  Nature!  I had to ask myself why it seemed that everyone else around me seemed gnat free while I scampered back to the safety of my car.  Here I am trying to take these serious photos and I'm being bombarded by minuscule demons with clumsily inefficient aerodynamics.  Was Julie Andrews attacked by thousands of hovering pests while she twirled around in the hills of Austria? Did Audrey Hepburn flee from tiny bugs in a boat sailing along the north shore of Long Island?  Honestly, I hope so.  And you're welcome for those images. 
Shoes: Talbots


  1. Text aside, I love this! The shoes and pockebook are darling and you look amazing as well.
