
April 2, 2013

To the Docks

 Two Piece Dress: ASOS, Shoes: Alex Marie, Square Knot Bracelet: Sisters Unique
Yellow Bangles from my Skipper, Victoria!

Finally, it feels like spring here! The weather has been up and down for the past few weeks but it seems like it might be close to leveling out.  At least it stayed warm enough for me to take this two piece ASOS ensemble out for a spin! I purchased this on sale towards the middle of the fall season after Jean from extrapetite gave a heads up to the reasonable price and cute style. The dress is lightweight and comfortable in the creeping spring humidity, which has motivated me to look for similar pieces from ASOS. Most of the time I'm wary of buying online, but with a free shipping and free return policy I feel comfortable enough to try out more pieces! I took a fairly long hiatus in my blogging due to a combination of schoolwork and the overwhelming feeling that I was losing a battle with the "real world" that's closing in on  me quickly, but a kind, encouraging, and helpful reply to an email inspired me to begin anew (and what better time than spring time!).  Cee from to brighten my day took the time to thoughtfully respond to my questions and offer me some awesome advice, for which I can't thank her's pretty cool to have an email in your inbox from one of your favourite bloggers! Thanks Cee for helping me out and giving me some insight into your success and your passion for blogging!

On top of that, it was an absolutely lovely day and I felt pulled down to the docks to while away my afternoon with some reading (The Importance of Being Seven, by Alexander McCall Smith) and taking a few photos of our boats. It's hard to believe that I'll be leaving CNU soon, and with that, saying goodbye to the sailing team. We have an incredible team this year, and I can honestly say that I'll miss all of them after I graduate. Practicing year round is less common in sports, but it builds a tough bond and a great team family. I can't thank this group of people enough for colouring my experiences here at school and giving me a multitude of fantastic memories! Off to go sailing now...

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