
July 6, 2012


I went to an interview today and was rewarded with a job! I only have about fifty days remaining before I go back to school in Virginia, but I'm really counting myself lucky for this job offer. It's another retail job with a brand I respect and enjoying buying. I know I'll be taking fresh inspiration back to school with me in the fall and I can't wait to start working.

A few shots of what I wore for my interview...just because it was such a lovely day. I brought the top back from France and was despairing that I had broken my rule about only purchasing items that I'm able to wear with multiple outfits until my amazing mom pointed out that it would be perfect matched with the skirt I already had hanging in my closet. I'm finding myself more and more inspired by the beautiful scenery that surrounds us, and especially in the last photo my ensemble seems to be mirroring the variations of colour in the ocean behind me...complete with the white foam on the breaking wave and the sailboat in the back.
Feeling lucky in life. Hope you are too!

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