
August 10, 2012

Two Weeks' Notice

"Waiting for a train to go, or a bus to come, or a plane to go...everyone is just waiting." 

My summer is entering the final countdown before I return to school and I can't help but feel a bit useless at the moment.  Dr. Seuss definitely captured the feeling quite well.  It seems that there's very little time left to do much of anything, but there's enough time that I should spend it doing something.  I've started a sewing project with two weeks to complete it before I head back to Virginia (where I don't have a sewing machine) and it's beginning to get overwhelming!  I'm not a very experienced sewer and this project was supposed to be my graduation to more difficult patterns, but I'm not entirely confident that I can get it finished in time to take it back to school with me.  It keeps getting stalled and so I'm left waiting for the completion while the calendar in my head continues to shrink. 

Jacket: Forever 21, Dress: Urban Outfitters, Shoes: Dolce Vita, Bracelet: H&M, Wicker Briefcase: Vintage 

In just a couple of weeks I'll be back on the East Coast and moving back into my apartment!  I'm having mixed feelings about my senior year but I'm going into it relaxed and happy with my summer and looking forward to some interesting classes.  Speaking of which, my summer course that I took in France has finally ended so I can breathe a sigh of relief at that.  I have so many beautiful memories from Paris and my summer here at home!  The wicker briefcase above is a vintage 1970's find from the famous Parisian flea markets...which was an adventure in itself.  Here's to many more adventures in the upcoming school year!

I selected this post to be featured on my blog’s page at Street Fashion Blogs.

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