
May 28, 2013

The Return Home

After five days of road tripping across the lower states, I'm back home in San Diego and re-adapting to the people, places, and weather patterns of southern California.  I am so thankful to three of my best friends, who helped me move across the country and sent me on my way with love and beautiful memories.  Thinking back on the last four years at CNU, I remember worrying in the beginning of freshman year over the possibility that I wouldn't find the lifelong friends that others told me I would meet.  Now, I can't imagine these past few years without my incredible friends.  

To my roommates; Kelly, Kim, and Jeanette: I love you guys.  Thank you for being my home for 3-4 years, for putting up with my many cheeses in the refrigerator, the fire alarm going off when I attempted to make falafel (and other times), my over dramatic behavior due to eyebrow casualties, the shopping bags in the living room, my 11 pm steak dinners, the constant Mexican food, the pizzelle project, me playing dress up instead of writing papers, my affinity for writing papers two hours before they were due, my sleep-all-day schedule, my regattas on the weekend, my sailing gear in the shower, and 42 hours in a car with me and a laughable excuse for legroom due to my love of an 18 year old comforter. 

To my skipper: I thought about quitting after the first week of sailing.  Then I met Victoria!   
Vic: all I can say is that Dan couldn't have placed me with a better skipper and I am forever grateful for your patience ("look, a bird!"), your fearlessness, and your ability to read my mind on and off the water.  Thank you for planning my surprise party and for being the person I trust most in a boat (FJ, 420, piece of ---- tech, etc).  Our pizza,drinks, and movie nights were fabulous.  You are a crockpot chef of the highest degree.  Thanks for saving me a couple hundred times before I drowned.  Never straighten your hair, it is a gift from God and all that I am jealous of in this world.  Boat 8 forever.  Love you, friend. 

Thank you to everyone who made these last four years memorable and possible!  My family, of course, receives the highest credit for supporting me, financing me, and loving me unconditionally through the good and bad times.  You guys are the greatest! Thank you. 
Top: J.Crew (similar), Shorts: J.Crew, Shoes: Gianni Bini (still available on ebay), Necklaces: J.Crew Factory and Forever 21, Earrings: Regeneration, Bracelets: Vintage, Sailboat bracelet from my incredible friend and teammate, Grace!
Photos by C. Mahoney